UGHA Jerry Skokandich Memorial Collectors Show Weekend 6-11-05
(All photos, except otherwise noted, property of Nikki Gustafson and not to be used without permission and credit - thank you!)
At the Holiday Inn Hotel - Close-Ups - June 11, 2005
James Dozier (Avalons), Harlen Foster (son of Billy Foster), Marvin Brown (4 Dots)
Jim points to Billy Foster (Medallions) on his tee shirt and Billy Foster shares the moment!
James Dozier (Avalons), Nikki, Marvin Brown (4 Dots)
James Dozier (Avalons), Jim (Little Phineas), Marvin Brown (4 Dots)
Jim (Little Phineas), Billy Foster (Medallions), Marvin Brown (4 Dots)
Lawrence Berry (Velons Manager) & Jim
Click here for more pictures : U.G.H.A. Collectors' Show