Soultrip-logos.jpg (67460 bytes)

East Brunswick Hilton, N.J.

April 29th & 30th, 2006

All photos are property of Nikki Gustafson & Jim Dunn and may not be copied or used without permission.


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Sidney Barnes & Jim Dunn

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Weldon McDougal & Francis Tee (Real-Side Records, from UK)

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Sis Detroit & Weldon McDougal

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Reginald Haynes & William Martin (Escorts) flank Jim Dunn

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Sis Detroit & Laura Lee

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Colin Dilnot (from UK) & Jim Dunn

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Freddie Scott & Marc Taylor ("Touch of Classic Soul 1 & 2" and "The Original Marvelettes, Motowns Mystery Group", and Touch of Classic Soul Magazine)

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Nikki & Connie Questell (Connie & The Decoys)

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Steve (from UK) & Charlie & Pam Horner

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Northern Soul Dancers

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Nikki joins Bobby Jay & Mrs. Santiago (Herman's wife) in dancing behind the stage!

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